Friday 18 November 2011

The top 5 things to do if you want to seem like an ignorant weirdo.

As the title is pretty self-explanatory, let's progress with the list.

- Number 5. Walk with a pimp-limp.
When did it become cool and pimpin' to walk like your mother smoked crack during pregnancy? If you have perfectly fine legs, walk accordingly!

- Number 4. Chew gum with an open mouth.
I know it's a petty thing to bitch about, but people really look like they have disfigured jaws when they go at that gum like there's no tomorrow. Keep your mouth shut and your germs to yourself, please.

- Number 3. Mis-spell things purposedly.
Now, I make some mistakes here and there, but I correct them. They are unintentional. When people misspell things while perfectly aware of it, it really grinds my gears. Why write "wat u up 2 gurl" what you can write "Hey girl, what's up?" Show the person you're messaging a little respect, and if it's on Face... Show the people who have to decipher your crappy updates some respect. People who can't spell despite their best efforts, I can respect. People who make no effort whatsoever to even try... Are freakin dumb.

- Number 2. Hold the handsfree up to your mouth.
I've seen tons of people here use the handsfree like they would use the phone. They plug in the earplug, and they hold the microphone up to speak into it. Some even hold the end of the phone up to talk into it, while wearing the earplug. Isn't the meaning of 'hands-free' that you're NOT supposed to be using your hands? Why don't you clip the microphones to your oversized scarves and use the handsfree like your brain has activity, you morons?

- Number 1. Walk without swinging your arms.
This is not angering, it is just sad. Swinging your arms is natural, and it seems natural to me that people would swing their arms while walking. When I see people who purposedly try to keep their arms still by just letting them hang down by the side, it creeps me the frick out. It's like seeing some sort of bigfoot stomp by. It looks eerie and unnatural, but I know why they do it. I've been there, man. You're so aware of yourself that you stop swinging your arms in order to be more invisible, not knowing that by doing so, you are making yourself very, very visible. And looking very clumsy.

Angry femmenerd, over and out.
Peace, yo.

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